This project is conducted by students Christopher Montgomery, Eric Hue, Elaina Zachos, and Zachary Enick under the guidance of Dr. David Birnbaum, Gabi Keane, and Kaylen Sanders in the course Computational Methods for the Humanities at the University of Pittsburgh. The scope of this research is to identify rhetorical patterns in candidate speech in the 2016 Presidential debates largely through the use of metaphorical language, word repetition, and referential terms.
Christopher Montgomery
Eric Hue is a junior at the University of Pittsburgh double majoring in English Literature and Film Studies and completing a certificate in Russian and East European Studies. He has recently studied abroad in the Pittsburgh-London Film Program and presented an essay film and a paper in the Undergraduate Film Symposium for 2017.
Elaina Zachos graduated in spring 2017 with a degree in nonfiction writing and a minor in linguistics. As of summer 2017, she'll be traveling to study Arabic in Jordan, and then continuing her studies by teaching in the Middle East. Long-term, Elaina plans to pursue a career in journalism.
Zachary Enick is a junior at Pitt with a double-major in French and Italian Language Studies, as well as a minor in Linguistics and a certificate in American Sign Language. He hopes to work internationally after graduation, ideally in education.